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How to Get the most Famous Paintings at an affordable Cost

How to Get the most Famous Paintings at an affordable Cost

Many art-lovers dream of acquiring some of the most famous paintings of all times like Mona Lisa, Starry Night, Night Watch and The Last Supper. Unfortunately, not everybody can afford these paintings as they are highly priced. Affluent art collectors are the ones who are believed to own some of the world’s famous paintings. Mona Lisa, for instance, which is largely regarded as the most famous painting in the world is on display at a museum in France. Similar are the original works of Pablo Picasso and Michelangelo, which can not be afforded by many.

Many art-lovers dream of acquiring some of the most famous paintings of all times like Mona Lisa, Starry Night, Night Watch and The Last Supper. Unfortunately, not everybody can afford these paintings as they are highly priced. Affluent art collectors are the ones who are believed to own some of the world’s famous paintings. Mona Lisa, for instance, which is largely regarded as the most famous painting in the world is on display at a museum in France. Similar are the original works of Pablo Picasso and Michelangelo, which can not be afforded by many. 



Paintings such as Mona Lisa, The Night Watch and Scream cannot be purchased by a private art collector. They are meant to be seen by everyone. Fortunately, there are times when the art galleries and museums are in need of cash and decide to dispose of the artifacts to those who can afford them. If you are fortunate enough, the gallery or museum may decide to donate the painting to you. Consequently, you need to be constantly on the lookout for the auctioning and sale of these pieces of art works.

  Mona Lisa


However, can an average art lover get his or her hands on these famous paintings? The answer is the affirmative! Art reproduction techniques have now enabled the average person to own these famous works at an affordable price. ArtsDot is one of the leading providers to this ideally cheap alternative of high-quality reproductions. Investing in our superior oil painting reproductions is the simplest way through which an ordinary art fan can appreciate excellent work of art and showcase it in his or her living room. In fact, you can even choose to get the texture like the original painting, thus making it look exactly like it!


While some people may argue that reproductions lack the artistic touch of the original artist, it is important to point out that this is not the case. At ArtsDot, the replicas are created by highly talented professional artists who have the expertise to copy every minor detail of the original painting. Also, since these experts use the latest printing techniques, it’s hard to differentiate a replica from the original. In fact, reproduction is so effective that even museums prefer to display replicas. This is because famous paintings like the Mona Lisa have been stolen before and it took more than 2 years to recover them. Since, these paintings are highly priced, some costing as high as 10 million dollars, insurance companies are not willing to take the risk.


The fact that even famous museums prefer replicas is a testimony to the technique of reproduction. At ArtsDot, our experts are completely aware of the fact that art is precious and needs to be done complete justice to. This is why we have different printing techniques for different paintings, so as to make sure that the end result conforms to the original painting. While you may receive manually painted works, for instance, you can also find Giclee prints that are printed on a canvas. The high quality of such techniques ensures that the result produced is fine to every little detail. It also ensures that the final product is durable and will last for several years without fading or damaging.  


If you are an art lover, you will realize that as the painting effectively depicts the thoughts and style of the original artist, it does not matter whether it is a replica or not. Also, thanks to the latest technology available, you do not have to worry about your replica being different from the original painting. We can create the perfect copy which you can hang in your living room to show off your exquisite taste and style in art.


ArtsDot has a wide online gallery, which can be observed for the available paintings for replicas. You can also order particular paintings and choose the procedure you want. You can, for example, choose manual painting or Giclee printing techniques. While purchasing with us, the best advantage you get is the value for money. You can get a famous piece of art hung in your house while paying a very affordable amount!


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